Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated projects worth more than Rs 4,000 crores in Kochi on Wednesday. The PM, during the inauguration of various projects in Kochi, emphasized the pivotal role each state plays in India's journey towards becoming a developed nation. In a reflective visit to two temples in Kerala, the PM expressed gratitude for the chance to pray at Guruvayur Temple and Thriprayar Shree Ramaswamy Temple. He connected these sacred sites to the Ramayana, especially noting the significance ahead of the Ram Mandir inauguration in Ayodhya.

Speaking at the inauguration of various projects in Kochi, PM Modi said, "Every state will play a key role in making India a developed nation. When India was prosperous and hugely contributed to the global GDP, then our power was centered around our ports. Now when India is once again becoming the center of global trade, we have once again started strengthening our naval power." 


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The PM said that India was enhancing maritime strength to solidify its position as a global trade hub. "We are focusing on building mega ports, and infrastructures for shipbuilding to make India a maritime power. The development projects that have been inaugurated today will help in increasing the role of Kerala in strengthening India's maritime sector," he said.

On visiting two temples in Kerala, PM said, "Today, I got the opportunity to offer prayers at Guruvayur Temple in the morning. A few days ago while inaugurating the Maharishi Valmiki International Airport in Ayodhya on 30th December, I was talking about four temples related to Ramayana in Kerala...I am fortunate to offer prayers at Thriprayar Shree Ramaswamy Temple just before the pran pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya."