New Delhi (India), May 25: As we embrace the mystique of World Tarot Card Day, the mystical realms of India beckon us into a captivating journey through the ancient art of tarot reading. From the bustling streets of Mumbai to the serene shores of Goa, India's top tarot card readers weave a tapestry of wisdom and insight, guiding seekers on a profound quest for clarity and enlightenment. Join us as we delve into the enchanting world of tarot, where destiny unfolds in the hands of gifted individuals who blend ancient wisdom with modern insight.

  1. Aryya Roy: One of The Top Best Tarot Reader and Kabbalah Healer

Embark on a transformative journey with Aryya Roy, a trailblazer in the realm of Kabbalah Healing and Tarot reading, whose remarkable abilities have touched the lives of many. Aryya's path to enlightenment began with vivid visions in her youth, offering glimpses into the tapestry of destiny that awaited her. Motivated by an innate desire to assist others, she embarked on a quest for knowledge and wisdom that would shape her into the beacon of light she is today.

Aryya's journey is marked by dedication, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to spiritual growth. Her early experiences of vivid visions served as a catalyst for her exploration of the mystical realms, propelling her towards a deeper understanding of the universe and its interconnectedness.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge, Aryya pursued extensive education and training, honing her skills in the ancient art of Tarot reading and healing. During her journey, she has pursued and successfully completed her Angel Card Reading Certification from Tarot Certification Board of America. Additionally, Aryya earned an associate degree from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, further enriching her understanding of the spiritual and metaphysical realms. She has been honoured with the certification of Tarot Reader from the Academy of Tarot London. Aryya has been decorated with many more accolades: being recognized by the National Achievers Award and the National Glory Award for being the Most Reliable Tarot Reader in India, to name a few. As a certified Angel Card Reader from the Tarot Certification Board of America and Certified Egyptian Hieroglyphs Cards Reader from Cairo Spiritual Centre, she is known for her expertise and knowledge in this field. 

As India's first Kabbalah Healing Expert, Aryya's crystal healings are revered for their transformative power, offering solace and resolution in matters of love and relationships. Through her deep connection to the divine, Aryya creates a sacred space for healing, allowing individuals to release emotional blockages and restore harmony in their lives.

Beyond her remarkable talents, Aryya's commitment to giving back to the community through charitable endeavors sets her apart as a true luminary in the realm of spirituality. Her dedication to serving others reflects her profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of compassion in healing.

In Aryya Roy, we find not just a gifted healer and Tarot reader, but a guiding light whose journey exemplifies the transformative power of dedication, compassion, and spiritual growth. As we embark on our journeys of healing and self-discovery, Aryya's wisdom and presence serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, illuminating the path ahead with clarity and grace.

To experience Aryya's incredible gift for yourself, you can schedule a personal session by contacting her on WhatsApp at +919953214108. 

For more information, you can visit her YouTube page 


or her Instagram page at

Don't miss out on connecting with Aryya and discovering the transformative power of tarot reading and healing.

  1. Kotamraju Narayana Rao: Honoring Tradition and Integrity

Born into a lineage of astrological excellence, Kotamraju Narayana Rao's journey is steeped in reverence for tradition, dedication to learning, and unwavering integrity. With one of the most extensive collections of horoscopes, Rao's message emphasizes discernment in seeking genuine astrological guidance amidst the sea of opportunists. His story serves as a testament to the timeless principles of astrology and the importance of upholding integrity in the pursuit of wisdom.

  1. Sanjay B. Jumaani: Celestial Insights for Prominent Figures

Hailed as India's foremost astrologer, Sanjay B. Jumaani's clientele includes prominent figures from various spheres, from business tycoons to celebrities and politicians. Renowned for his exceptional talent inherited from his father, Sanjay's accurate predictions and insights have earned him celebrity status among astrology enthusiasts, showcasing the profound impact of astrology on the lives of individuals and society.

  1. Swetta Jumani: Continuing a Legacy of Excellence

As a descendant of renowned astrologers, Swetta Jumani continues the family legacy in the occult sciences, garnering attention for her exceptional predictive skills in numerology. With her innate talent and expertise, Swetta has solidified her position as a prominent figure in the industry, carrying forward the esteemed reputation established by her predecessors.

  1. Amee Shivram: Guiding Lives Through Tarot

Amee Shivram, the founder of Amee's Tarot World, boasts international acclaim as a Tarot card reader, Numerologist, Vastu consultant, and motivational speaker. Her journey into the world of Tarot began with a prophetic dream, leading her to leave behind a promising corporate career to pursue her life purpose of guiding and healing lives through the mystical realm of Tarot cards.

  1. Rupa: Empowering Clients to Make Informed Decisions

Rupa's reputation as one of India's top Tarot card readers extends far beyond national borders, with a clientele that spans the globe. Beyond predicting the future, Rupa empowers her clients to make informed decisions crucial to their life's journey, serving as a mentor and advisor for corporate firms and entrepreneurs.

  1. Acharya Indu Prakash and Pandit Ajai Bhambi: Masters of Vedic Astrology

Distinguished astrologers renowned for their intuitive prowess and mastery of Vedic astrology, Acharya Indu Prakash and Pandit Ajai Bhambi offer precise predictions and invaluable insights to navigate life's complexities with clarity and foresight.

  1. Sunita Menon: Proficiency in Tarot Reading and Healing

Sunita Menon stands among the top 10 esteemed astrologers in India, revered for her proficiency in tarot reading, Kundali cards, and healing practices. Her dedication to empowering others to navigate life's complexities with clarity and purpose underscores her commitment to the mystical sciences.

  1. Neera Sareen: Multifaceted Expertise in Predictive Sciences and Healing Modalities

Renowned for her multifaceted expertise, Neera Sareen excels in Tarot card readings, Numerology, Angel Therapy, Crystal Therapy, and more, guiding individuals toward spiritual fulfillment and personal growth.

  1. Dr. Sohini Sastri: Holistic Approach to Astrology

Hailed as India's foremost Vedic astrologer, Dr. Sohini Sastri emphasizes the interconnectedness of various aspects of life, empowering clients to make informed decisions and lead more fulfilling lives aligned with their true purpose.

In celebration of World Tarot Card Day, let us honor the wisdom, insight, and guidance offered by India's top tarot card readers, whose dedication to their craft illuminates the path to self-discovery, empowerment, and healing. As we journey through the mystical landscapes of India, may we find clarity, purpose, and enlightenment in the timeless wisdom of the tarot.

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