Car Insurance Renewal: Don't delay in renewing car insurance. One must always renew it before the due date and try not to let the policy lapse. As if the policy lapses and there is damage to the car (or the car is stolen) after that, one has to bear financial losses.

Insurance companies usually give a grace period of 15 to 30 days from the due date. One can pay a premium during this time and get the policy renewed. Or if you have not renewed the insurance during the grace period, you have to buy a new car insurance policy.

How to Renew Your Car Insurance Online

  • Log in to your insurer's website.

  • Select the option to renew the existing policy.

  • Fill the online form by entering your existing policy number and email ID.

  • The new policy premium quotation will appear.

  • If you agree with the quotation, proceed for renewal. Otherwise, switch to another insurance agency and look for better options.

  • On accepting the quotation, the premium can be paid immediately.

  • Payment can be made via Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, or any other online wallet.

  • You will get a payment acknowledgment via email.

  • You will receive the renewed policy documents on your email ID.

Things to Remember During Renewal

Compare Options
Compare all the options available online at the time of renewal. Check whether other insurance companies have better offers. Compare policy features, premiums, Insured Declarers Value (IDV), etc.

Plan Type
It is mandatory to buy third-party motor insurance. It covers the loss of life and property caused by your car to another person.  If you have a third-party insurance plan, consider looking at a comprehensive plan. In this, own damages and third-party damages are both covered. The same plan offers a double benefit.

Add-On Feature
While renewing the car insurance plan, review the add-on cover. The policyholder should make all the necessary adjustments and tailor their plan accordingly. This will help you enhance the existing add-on cover as per your requirement.

Cover Terms
Sometimes, insurance companies change the terms and conditions or features. If you're not satisfied with these new changes, you can choose a different plan.

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