(By Anchal Rout, Yoga and Reiki Healing expert)

Lion’s Gate Portal signifies an energetic shift that happens annually from 27th July to 12th August, especially focusing on the eighth day of August (8/8). This period is considered to hold a higher spiritual plane observed when the Earth is parallel to the star Sirius with Orion’s belt and the sun in the constellation of Leo. It is the creation of a ‘portal’ of energy which helps in the evolution of the spirit as well as manifestation and transformation. The Lion’s Gate is termed as a position of the Sun in the constellation of Leo, the Lion, which symbolises power, bravery and kingship. 

ALSO READ: Lion's Gate Portal: Vastu Tips That Should Be Followed During This Time

Why Is It Auspicious?

The Lion’s Gate Portal is generally held to be favourable because of the strong energy imprint present in Lion’s Gateway. This is the reason why there is a belief that during this time the spiritual world seems to be closer to this world thus making it easier for people to interact with their higher selves. The alignment with the star known as the “Spiritual Sun” that is Sirius brings in a deluge of high-frequency energy that can be used to uplift consciousness to prepare for the changes in individuals and society. It mobilizes individuals to transmute their old paradigm, heal their hearts and fulfil their ultimate essence of being. 


Image Source: Canva

Duration Of The Lion's Gate Portal:

Lion’s Gate Portal usually begins around July 26, and the portal closes around August 12, with the pinnacle on August 8. This period is characterised by rigorous energy downpour and is considered as the best time for meditating, and setting up one's intention and spiritual practices. August 8th is the most intense day, though each of those days is a day to spiritually and personally transform ourselves. 

Pros Of Lion’s Gate Portal:

1. Enhanced Manifestation: It’s good to set and create intention during this period of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Working on growing your business, or achieving some other goal will be particularly effective because your thoughts and desires will be aligned with Sirius at this time. 

2. Spiritual Awakening: This period can bring in high-frequency energy and hence can be associated with spiritual awakening. Also, it can assist you in practising meditation and reaching a deeper spiritual level with yourself and the higher power. 

3. Healing and Transformation: The opportunity to do this comes through the Lion’s Gate Portal which is all about releasing these patterns and moving on with our lives. This is a period where one needs to learn to let go and move forward to the next stage in his or her life. 

4. Increased Intuition: You will need to be more alert for it is possible to be more psychic and intuitive due to the increased spiritual energy. This is a time to pay attention to personal feelings and intuition and to go with the inner self. 

Impact On Lucky Activities Occurring On 8-8-8:

The two specific days of the Lion’s Gate Portal are 08-08-08 i. e August 8th, with an influential significance given to the numeral 8 which symbolises wealth, strength and infinity. In numerology, the number 8 is said to signify duality and the move between and motion between the realms of the cosmos and earth.

When this date falls during the Lion’s Gate Portal, it generates a strong amount of energy, and thus, it is considered beneficial to perform positive tasks and activities such as beginning new projects, making decisions, or conducting spiritual practices. 

How Does 8-8-8 Affect People?

Many people are likely to feel an increase in energy, motivation and inspiration on this day swearing that they saw the number 8-8-8. This date can help people to set up important life changes and, therefore, become harmonized with themselves and reach their objectives. The energies of the Lion’s Gate Portal can enhance such results and can provide new opportunities for the improvement of one’s self, job, or relationship. Some may feel very positive and ‘grounded’; others may feel empowered and ready to go for their ‘number one’ as encouraged by the 8-8-8 energy. 

Are Children Born On 8-8-8 Lucky?

As per the Vastu principles and numerology, this date is believed to be laden with extraordinary luck – 8-8-8. They believe that by having 8 in their birth date means they are born as leaders with determination and great purpose. It is believed that these children are gifted with abilities to transverse between the spiritual realm and the physical realm of life which endows these children with prowess in their lives hence they can be endowed with success and authority in their lives. These qualities are likely to grow up with a special ability to supersede the normal thought process, to be mass builders and other equally extraordinary abilities and skills are likely to benefit from the energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal even more. 

The Lion’s Gate portal is a power week, which has a mystical value in terms of spirituality and energy. No matter if you are seeking to attract what you want, transform your pain or start something new in your life, the energies of this time can help you. People with this date live in an environment teeming with opportunities and divine intervention starting from the 888 birthday. Allow yourself to engage and focus on the power of the Lion’s Gate portal and the numerology of 8-8-8 to attune yourself towards becoming a better version of yourself and manifest the kinds of life you want. 

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