Solar Eclipse 2024: The second eclipse of the year is set to occur on April 8th, after the lunar eclipse. This will be the first solar eclipse of the year, happening one day before the beginning of Chaitra Navratri. While eclipses hold special significance in astrology, they are not considered auspicious in Hinduism.

The impact of this solar eclipse will not be felt in India, which means the period of Sutak will not be observed. Due to the eclipse occurring before Navratri, its effects may be felt on some zodiac signs.

Timing of the first solar eclipse of the year

The first solar eclipse of the year 2024 is set to occur on April 8th. According to Indian Standard Time, the eclipse will begin at 9:12 PM on April 8th and last until 2:22 AM on April 9th. This eclipse will not be visible in India, which means that the Sutak period will not be observed.

Where will the eclipse be visible?

While this solar eclipse will not be visible in India, it can be observed from various parts of the world, including Canada, Mexico, the United States, Aruba, Bermuda, the Caribbean Netherlands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Greenland, Ireland, Iceland, Jamaica, Norway, Panama, Nicaragua, Russia, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Spain, The Bahamas, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela.

Effects on zodiac signs

According to Vedic astrology calculations, this solar eclipse will occur in the Revati Nakshatra and Pisces zodiac signs. This will be a total solar eclipse occurring after 4 years. The impact of this solar eclipse may be felt on individuals with Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, and Aquarius zodiac signs.

Dos and Don'ts during the eclipse

During an eclipse, the Sutak period begins before the eclipse occurs. The Sutak period starts 12 hours before a solar eclipse and 5 hours before a lunar eclipse. Since the Sutak period is considered inauspicious, activities like prayers, religious rituals, and auspicious work are avoided. Temples are closed during this period, and cooking or eating food is also avoided. Mantras are chanted during the eclipse, and after the eclipse ends, people take a bath using Ganga water and perform charitable acts. The entire house is purified with Ganga water after the eclipse ends.

Things to aviod during the Eclipse

Avoid performing any auspicious activities or worshipping during an eclipse. Do not cook food or consume anything during the eclipse. Pregnant women should not witness the eclipse and should avoid going outside. Do not touch Tulsi or other plants during the eclipse.

Things to do during the Eclipse

Before the eclipse begins, place Tulsi leaves in food items to mitigate the effects of the Sutak period. Remember the names of your preferred deities during the eclipse. Chant mantras to reduce the effects of the eclipse. When the eclipse is over, mist the entire home with Ganga water.