Saturday Rules: In scriptures, Saturn is considered the bestower of karma and a disciplinarian because Saturn bestows favourable outcomes based on one's actions and also delivers punishment. With the auspicious effects of Saturn, a person's life becomes heavenly, and they enjoy all the pleasures. However, if for any reason Saturn becomes displeased, life becomes as distressing as hell. Saturday is Saturn's favorite day. Therefore, on this day, one should not engage in any activity that could cause Saturn's displeasure.

In astrology, several activities have been mentioned that should be avoided on Saturdays because it angers Saturn, and he punishes. Let's find out about such activities that should not be done on Saturdays.

Do not cut hair or nails: On Saturday, one should not cut hair, beard, or nails. Doing so has a negative impact on life. These actions also invite Saturn's displeasure.

Do not buy iron: Iron is associated with the Saturn planet. Therefore, on Saturday, one should not buy any item related to iron. Doing so causes disputes at home and creates tension in family relationships. Even if by mistake you buy an iron item on Saturday, keep it outside the house and take it inside on another day. 

Do not buy salt: Salt should also not be bought on Saturday. Doing so burdens a person with debt and can lead to financial difficulties. Also, buying salt on Saturday invites Saturn's wrath.

Do not consume non-vegetarian food: Consuming non-vegetarian food on Saturday is considered very inauspicious. On this day, eating or cooking non-vegetarian food brings punishment from Saturn. In addition, one should not consume alcohol on Saturday.

Men should not go to their in-laws' house: Just as there are auspicious and inauspicious days for women to go to their maternal and in-laws' homes after marriage, there are also rules for men to go to their in-laws' homes. It is believed that men should not go to their in-laws' house on Saturday. Doing so spoils relations with in-laws.