'Margashirsha Amavasya' marks the culmination of the year 2023, beginning with the advent of the Margashirsha month on November 28, 2023. This month is particularly auspicious for 'Tirtha Snan' (ritual bathing), especially on the days of Purnima (full moon) and Amavasya (new moon). Amavasya, in particular, is considered a propitious day for charitable activities, believed to fulfill all desires, and is dedicated to ancestral worship.

It is believed that performing 'Tarpan' (ritual offering) and 'Pindadan' (ritual feeding of ancestors) on this day brings peace and liberation to the souls of forebears. 'Margashirsha Amavasya' is regarded as a day for paying homage to ancestors, honouring their memory and seeking spiritual solace.

'Margashirsha Amavasya' in 2023 falls on December 12. Being a Tuesday, it is referred to as 'Bhaumavati Amavasya'. Performing ancestral worship on this day is believed to free individuals from ancestral debts. Alongside 'pitr puja' (ancestor worship), worship of Lord Hanuman and 'Mangal Devta' (Mars deity) on this day is thought to mitigate the malefic effects of Mars.

According to Panchang, the auspicious timings for Margashirsha Amavasya 2023 are as follows:

- Snan Muhurat (Bathing Time): 05:14 AM to 06:09 AM
- Pitr Puja (Ancestor Worship): 11:54 AM to 12:35 PM

According to religious scriptures, in the 'Sat Yuga' (era), the gods initiated the year on the first day of the 'Margashirsha' month. The observance of vows, ritual bathing, and charity on this Amavasya is believed to appease not only the ancestors but also deities like Brahma, Indra, Surya, Agni, and all living beings. Just as Diwali is celebrated by worshipping Goddess Lakshmi on the Amavasya of Kartik month, similarly, worship of Goddess Lakshmi is considered auspicious on 'Margashirsha Amavasya'.

For individuals with 'pitr dosha' (ancestral affliction) in their horoscope, or those facing challenges in progeny, or those with a debilitated Rahu in the ninth house, observing the Margashirsha Amavasya vrat (fast) is recommended. It is believed that this observance is believed to bring financial, mental, and physical well-being. Additionally, bathing with the roots of the Tulsi plant on this Amavasya is considered auspicious, earning the favour of Lord Krishna.

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