Holashtak 2024: Holika Dahan is performed on the full moon day of the Falgun month throughout the country, but an inauspicious time period begins eight days prior to this, starting from Falgun Ashtami. This period is known as Holashtak and performing any auspicious ceremony, during this time, is prohibited. It is believed that even blessings during Holashtak become futile. In addition, this period may also bring about illness, suffering, and even untimely death.

This yeart, Holashtak will be observed from March 17, 2024, to March 24, 2024. But, why are these eight days of Holashtak considered inauspicious? Let's delve into the reasons and understand which planet exerts unfavourable influences on which day.

According to astrological scriptures, during Holashtak, all eight planets are believed to become malefic. Hence, the planetary positions during this period are not deemed conducive to auspicious activities. Initiating auspicious tasks or ceremonies during this time often leads to hindrances and obstacles.

In addition, the weakness of these planets diminishes a person's decision-making abilities. Consequently, individuals tend to make decisions contrary to their nature.

Why is Holashtak considered inauspicious?

According to mythological stories, eight days prior to Holi, Hiranyakashyap tortured his son Prahlad in various ways to make him break his devotion to Lord Vishnu. These eight days are considered days of torment. During Holashtak, the planets also cast malefic influences, which is why it is advised not to perform auspicious ceremonies such as marriage, mundan, housewarming, etc., or undertake new investments.

Effects of planets during Holashtak:

  • On the first day of Holashtak, i.e., Falgun Shukla Ashtami, the moon becomes malefic.

  • On the ninth day, the sun becomes malefic.

  • On the tenth day, Saturn becomes malefic.

  • On the eleventh day, Venus exerts negative influences.

  • On the twelfth day, Jupiter exerts negative influences.

  • On the thirteenth day, Mercury becomes malefic.

  • On the fourteenth day, Mars becomes malefic.

  • On the full moon, the nature of Rahu remains malefic.

ALSO READ: Holi 2024: Bring Home These Auspicious Items To Seek Blessings From Goddess Lakshmi