New Delhi: Buddha Purnima commemorates the birthday of Gautam Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Every year, Buddhists from all around the world join in the festivities by praying, meditating, and performing charitable actions. This year, Buddha Purnima will take place on May 5, which coincides with the first lunar eclipse of the year. As per Drik Panchang, the Purnima Tithi will commence at 04:14 AM on May 05, 2023, and conclude at 03:33 AM on May 06, 2023. 

Here are some wishes and messages that you can share on the occasion:

Wishes To Send On Buddha Purnima:

  • May the teachings of Lord Buddha guide us towards a peaceful and harmonious life. Happy Buddha Purnima.

  • May the light of Buddha's wisdom illuminate our hearts and minds. Happy Buddha Purnima.

  • May we all find inner peace and happiness through the path shown by Buddha. Happy Buddha Purnima.

  • May we practice compassion and kindness towards all living beings, as taught by Buddha. Happy Buddha Purnima.

  • May the celebration of Buddha Purnima remind us of the importance of mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection in our lives. Happy Buddha Purnima.

  • May we all strive towards enlightenment, just as Buddha did. Happy Buddha Purnima.

Messages To Send On Buddha Purnima:

  1. Let's pay homage to the enlightened one who showed us the path to liberation from suffering. Happy Buddha Purnima!

  2. May the celebrations of Buddha Purnima fill our hearts with joy, and remind us of the importance of spreading love, kindness, and empathy in the world.

  3. As we celebrate Buddha Purnima, let's renew our commitment to following the path of Dharma, and work towards creating a better world for all beings.

  4. Let's remember the teachings of Buddha, and strive to cultivate peace, harmony, and understanding in our relationships and communities. Happy Buddha Purnima!

  5. May the light of Buddha's wisdom guide us towards enlightenment, and help us overcome the challenges of life. Happy Buddha Purnima!