The word ‘Dhanteras’ comes from Sanskrit where 'Dhan' means wealth and 'teras' is the 13th day of the hindu lunar calendar. It is marked on the Thrayodashi Tithi (13th day) of the Krishna Paksha in the Hindu month of Kartik. Dhanteras is a festival celebrated with extraordinary vigour and excitement and holds great importance in Hindu mythology and culture. On this day, people worship goddess Laxmi ji and lord Kuber ji. People purchase many important items like gold, silver, coriander seeds, haldi, broom, salt, sugar, vehicles, Utensils etc. as it is believed that purchasing these things brings fortune, money, good health, knowledge and prosperity.

About Dhanteras Coriander Remedy:

On Dhanteras, buying whole coriander seeds is considered highly beneficial. Purchase these seeds and offer them to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Dhanvantari. Subsequently, express your desires to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Dhanvantari. Afterward, bury some coriander seeds in soil at a designated place in your home. Save a few seeds, tie them in red cloth, and place them in the area where you keep money. It is believed that by following this ritual, your home will be blessed with prosperity and happiness throughout the year.

Additionally, on Dhanteras, purchase coriander seeds and keep them. On Diwali day, offer these seeds to Goddess Lakshmi. Plant some of these seeds in your garden, as it is believed that the coriander plant brings prosperity and happiness to the home as it grows.

Lastly, place a small amount of dried coriander in front of the image of Lord Dhanvantari and let it remain there until Diwali. On the day of Govardhan Puja, plant these coriander seeds in a pot or garden. Take care of the coriander plant as it grows. It is believed that as the coriander plant thrives, prosperity and joy increase in the home.

Lucky Colours For Each Zodiac Sign On Dhanteras

Khusboo Goyal who is an astrology expert from All India Institute of Occult Science and True Vastu founded by Chairman Gurudev Shrie Kashyap said, "According to our Hindu mythology, Dhanteras is connected to the churning of Ocean, from which goddess Laxmi is said to be born out of a total 14 Ratans. Subsequently, this Day represents favourable luck, success and bliss."

On the evening of Dhanteras, people offer prayers to Goddess Laxmi and Kuber ji. They light diya at their entrance marking the beginning of festival lights. A special Rangoli is also made to mark in honour of Goddess Laxmi. People believe that doing all these rituals brings prosperity, luck and success in their lives.

There is a great significance of Colours as per your Zodiac Sign to buy different items on Dhanteras. Which are as follows:


Aries is ruled by planet Mars. Lucky colour for this sign is Red. Red colour denotes Love, Energy and Reproduction. Native will feel energetic and action oriented. So, if you are purchasing any stuff on this dhanteras you should go for Red colour items or articles made of Gold or Copper. This will bring luck and fame for the native.


Ruling planet is Venus and the lucky colour for these natives will be White. White colour brings Happiness and Prosperity into one’s life. So, one must buy white colour items or Silver or Diamonds on this day.


Gemini sign is ruled by planet Mercury. Lucky colour for these natives will be Green. Green colour brings intelligence, great communication skills and positivity in body n soul. So, native with Gemini as their zodiac sign should go for green colour.


Cancer sign is ruled by the planet Moon. Moon rules our mind. So, the lucky colour for such natives is white. Buying white coloured items or silver articles brings peace of mind, good health and  wealth to the natives.

  • LEO

The ruling planet for Leo ascendance is the Sun. Sun is the planet of Self, representing one’s identity, consciousness and assertiveness. It brings success, Name n Fame in one’s life. Lucky colour for Leo ascendent people will be red, orange, and golden. One should buy items of this colour only. This will improve their inner strength.


Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Lucky colour for these descendants will be dark green colour. Buying articles of green colour brings happiness and prosperity for these natives.

  •  LIBRA:

 Libra is ruled by Venus so lucky colour for these natives will be white, lighter shade of pink, blue and yellow. These colours bring harmony, luxury and happiness.


 Ruling planet is Mars. Lucky colour for Scorpio ascendent will be red and maroon colour.


Sagittarius sign is ruled by planet Jupiter, planet responsible for knowledge, wealth and prosperity in one’s life. Lucky colour for these people will be yellow.


 Saturn rules this sign. The lucky colour for these ascendents is blue or black. One should consider these colours.


 This sign is also ruled by Saturn. The lucky colour is also dark blue, gray and black.

  •   PISCES

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and the lucky colour for these natives is Yellow. This colour brings luck and success for the native.

When one uses colour according to their zodiac sign, these colours bring prosperity, success, luck, good health and wealth in the person's life. So,have a happy, safe and prosperous festival ahead.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]