Bhoot Chaturdashi 2023: During the Diwali festival, various celebrations such as Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Laxmi Puja, Govardhan Puja, and Bhai Dooj take place. However, in West Bengal, another festival is observed during this time known as Bhoot Chaturdashi. Bhoot Chaturdashi, also known as Narak Chaturdashi, Chhoti Diwali, and Kali Chaudas, occurs on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of the Kartik month. It preceeds Diwali by a day. Let's explore the date and significance of Bhoot Chaturdashi 2023.

Bhoot Chaturdashi 2023 Date:

Bhoot Chaturdashi falls on November 11, 2023. According to scriptures, tantric rituals are performed on the night of Bhoot Chaturdashi. Many Aghoris come together to conduct puja and practices, celebrating the Bhoot Utsav. It is believed that on this day, ancestors visit their living relatives, and families light 14 lamps in their honour.

Why Bhoot Chaturdashi Is Celebrated (Bhoot Chaturdashi Significance):

The name Bhoot Chaturdashi suggests its association with spirits or souls. After dusk on Bhoot Chaturdashi, there is an inclination towards tantric activities, with tantriks or Aghoris actively engaging in rituals. It is believed that tantric practices summon spiritual entities, giving rise to the celebration of Bhoot Utsav. The lighting of lamps dedicated to 14 generations of ancestors is a tradition on this night. It is said that the presence of negative energies is heightened on this night, and lighting lamps helps ward off these influences.

How Bhoot Chaturdashi Is Celebrated (Bhoot Utsav):

Bhoot Chaturdashi is celebrated differently in various states of India. In many places, lamps are lit in the name of Yama on this day. In regions where Aghori tantric rituals are prevalent, it is believed that tantriks use tantra sadhana to summon tantric spirits, hence the celebration of Bhoot Utsav. In West Bengal, Kali Puja is conducted on this day, with practitioners considering the worship of Goddess Kali as the most potent form of tantric worship. The puja is believed to be a powerful means of attaining liberation from negative spirits.

Dos and Don'ts On Diwali As Per Tarot Predictions:

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most significant festivals in Hinduism, associated with the worship of different deities,who are believed to bless devotees with wealth and prosperity. Astrologically, Diwali falls on the new moon night of the Hindu lunar month of Ashwin. During this time, the moon is not visible in the sky, symbolizing darkness. Thus diwali holds astrological significance as a time of spiritual cleansing, inner illumination, and the beginning of a new chapter filled with positivity and abundance. 


Tarot cards are a form of divination that have been used for centuries as a means of self-reflection, guidance, and spiritual exploration. It's important to note that interpretations of tarot cards can vary widely, and their significance often depends on the reader's intuition and the context of the reading. 


So here are a few do’s and dont’s mentioned by Radhika Aggarwal as per the tarot cards based on your individual zodiac signs.


1. Aries  (March21-April19):

  • Dos: You need to calm down your anger as emperor energy is reversed for you. Your focus should be on maintaining balance and harmony in your personal and professional relationships.

  • Dont’s: the upright Chariot card asks you to not take any impulsive actions. Chances of miscalculating your expenses and emotional expectations are high.

2. Taurus  (April20- May20):

  • Dos: It’s a great time for you to relax and pay attention to your inner world and spend quality time with your family. Trust the process as good things are coming for you.

  • Dont’s: You should avoid shortcuts and don’t waste your time daydreaming about futile plans. Stop trying to victimise yourself and displaying childish emotions. 

3. Gemini (May21-June20):

  • Dos: With magician card turning upright for you , this time is great for you to trust your human intelligence and put your best effort to turn the impossible into possible. Just chill and enjoy these days with your favourite people.

  • Dont’s: Don’t try to over exert yourself in harmonising something which is beyond human understanding. Be aware of the signs around you and don’t blindly trust people who try to come back into your life.

4. Cancer (June21-July22):

  • Dos: Emperor card is reminding you to take back what’s yours. You have to be bold and strong to claim your territory. Try to balance and manage two polar opposite forces to turn victorious.

  • Dont’s: Sun & Moon Card coming together to encourage you to not fall weak at any cost. Don’t avoid spending time with family as it can help you recover from your internal problems.

5. Leo (July23-Aug22):

  • Dos: Devil Card is playing in background for you. Use your willpower to fight the evil energy coming at you. Use your physical strength and intelligence to fight and protect yourself against wrong choices.

  • Dont’s: Five of swords is warning you to keep yourself away from getting tainted by any wrong doings or unethical practices. Major emotional setbacks can happen if not addressed properly.  

6. Virgo (Aug23-Sept22):

  • Dos: The Hangman is asking you to take a pause and reflect on your choices and decisions. It’s better to delay your decisions. Trust your company and ask for collaboration with the seniors in areas of work.

  • Dont’s: The magician card comes with a caution to avoid any kind of tricks or manipulation. Don’t react unreasonably as your emotional curve can go up and down in this time period.

7. Libra (Sept23-Oct22):

  • Dos: With the new moon happening in libra this Diwali and coincidentally the moon card shows up in your reading too. You should only trust your instincts and be careful about people and their intentions towards you. Try to dig deeper into any matters that come your way. Accept the reality and move forward.

  • Dont’s: Don’t wait for anything for too long. Let go off things for your own good. Avoid dependency on others for petty works and don’t fully depend on just luck. Hard-work shouldn’t be avoided at any cost.

8. Scorpio ( Oct23-Nov21):

  • Dos: You need to accept the transformations coming your way. Not all changes are bad. Trust your physical strength and you can channelise your focus in right direction. Travelling is coming your way choose your destination. 

  • Dont’s: Hermit card advises you to come out of your solitude and meet new people now. Don’t invest your money in long term investments. It’s not the right time to fight the society. 

9. Sagittarius (Nov22-Dec21):

  • Dos: The great news for you is the upright energy of The High Priestess. Use your intuition and imagination and create a powerful empire of your own. Try to mediate and resolve other’s conflicts with your unbiased opinions. Luxuries travel is seen for you. Spend money wisely. 

  • Dont’s: Don’t rely on time to change and bring good news for you. You can’t be stubborn with the truth and juggling your problems won’t resolve your issues. Don’t stress out too much. 

10. Capricorn  (Dec22-Jan19):

  • Dos: You must discard your patterns/ behaviour which no longer serves you well. You need to update your working style and public dealing especially. Seek out for some expert advice in any matters you’re dealing with right now. 

  • Dont’s: The judgement card warns you to acknowledge the ultimatum given to you and don’t turn your back. You can’t hide yourself behind the curtain anymore. Don’t get too shallow by being money minded. 

11. Aquarius (Jan20-Feb18):

  • Dos: You should upscale your movement towards your goals. It’s time to face the challenges and immediate competition coming your way. You should resolve the issues with flexible and workable solutions.

  • Dont’s: The chariot being upside down advices you not get confused once you start your journey. Don’t get lost with choices on your way. Don’t waste your time wandering around and being a victim of ignorance.

12. Pisces ( Feb19-March20):

  • Dos: The star cards asks you to trust the universe and believe in miracles. If you work on polishing your skills and start avoiding mental restrictions you’ll be able to make a remarkable difference in your career and your life.

  • Dont’s: The Justice card asks you to not to leave your truth. You should not at any cost leave your truth behind. Don’t get overwhelmed by money and attach yourself to it. Avoid being an emotional fool to people and circumstances.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]