Chandra grahan 2024: The year's last lunar eclipse (Chandra grahan) is set to occur in September. This September, a partial eclipse will take place, affecting many parts of the world. According to the religious beliefs, a lunar eclipse is considered inauspicious, as it is believed that the demon Rahu swallows the moon that causes the eclipse.

Here’s everything you need to know about the second lunar eclipse of the year, including the date, the Sutak period timings, and locations where it will be seen.

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Date Of The Eclipse In 2024:

The second and final lunar eclipse of 2024 will occur on September 18th, in coincidence with Bhadrapada Purnima. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun's light from reaching the Moon.

Timing Of The Eclipse:

According to Indian Standard Time, this eclipse will begin at 6:11 AM on September 18th and will end at 10:17 AM. The duration of the eclipse will be 4 hours and 6 minutes.

What Is Sutak Period? 

The Sutak period is a time of inauspiciousness observed before the eclipse that will not be applicable for this lunar eclipse as it will occur during the daytime. According to astrology, the Sutak period is only observed for eclipses that are visible to the naked eye.

Will Sutak Period Be Observed In India?

The Sutak period typically begins 9 hours before the start of the lunar eclipse. However, since the September 18th lunar eclipse will not be visible in India, the Sutak period will not be observed.

Where Will The Eclipse Be Visible?

This second and the last chandra grahan of the year will be visible in North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic, the Pacific Ocean, Antarctica, and the Atlantic Ocean.

Impact Of Eclipse On Zodiac Signs:

The lunar eclipse (Chandra Grahan) on September 18th will have an impact on all zodiac signs, but certain signs may be more affected than others. Those with Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn signs should exercise caution during this time.