Baisakhi, also known as Vaisakhi, is a spring festival marking the onset of the Baisakh month. This festival, particularly cherished among Hindu, Sikh, and Buddhist communities, marks the beginning of the Punjabi and Sikh New Year. Celebraed widely in Punjab and northern India, Baisakhi symbolises the commencement of the harvest season, fostering communal joy. To celebrate this day, Sikhs visit local Gurudwaras, engage in langar (community kitchen service), and devote themselves to worship and meditation, venerating the divine being 'Waheguru.'

Baisakhi 2024: Date

This festival ususally falls on April 13 or April 14. In 2024, Baisakhi will be celebrated on April 13. On this memorable day, the tenth Guru of Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh, instituted the Khalsa Panth, comprising Sikhs who embraced baptism.

Baisakhi 2024: Significance

In 1699, on the eve of Baisakhi, Guru Gobind Singh rallied Sikhs to fight against Mughals and inspired them through his words and actions. The festival is also celebrated by Sikhs to signify the coronation of Guru Gobind Singh, as well as the foundation of the Khalsa sect of Sikhism.

As per the Khalsa Sambat, the festival has been held since the beginning of the Vaisakh 1756 Bikrami (March 30, 1699), also known as Khalsa. 

Baisakhi 2024: Celebrations

Baisakhi holds immense significance, symbolising the commencement of a new harvest cycle, especially cherished by farmers who seek divine blessings for abundant yields and express gratitude for sustenance. The celebrations include familial reunions, lavish feasts prepared with fresh harvest produce, morning Gurudwara visits, house cleaning, traditional attire adornment, and prayers for prosperity.

The festivities commence with early morning Gurudwara visits, followed by culinary delights and rhythmic dhol beats. Special prayers, kirtans, and langars are integral parts of the celebration, accompanied by folk dances, musical performances, and vibrant exhibitions, highlighting Punjab's cultural heritage.

Kada prasad, made with whole wheat flour, clarified butter, and sugar, along with sweet saffron rice, are savoured with loved ones during this joyous occasion.