Aiming 100 per cent win in the upcoming 2024 Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections, Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Wednesday urged YSRCP party leaders to conduct 'Gadapa Gadapaku' programme. He asked the leaders to take up the programme to explain people about the state government's schemes and how the people are being benefitted from ruling YSRCP's welfare schemes.  

Addressing YSRCP MLA's and leaders, CM Jagan said, "Elections are almost 19 months away from now and since politics is our chosen field, we should go out and tell people what we have done and it's our responsibility to win."

"We have done a lot to tell people about our achievements. 87 per cent of the houses have benefitted from our welfare schemes and we have fulfilled 98.4 per cent of promises disbursing Rs 1.71 lakh crores," CM Jagan added.

Also read | Andhra Pradesh: CM Jagan Reddy Launches Third Phase Of YSR Cheyutha Scheme In Kuppam

He further emphasised that during their visits to the villages the leaders should solve the problems of the people and funds will be sanctioned to villages and ward secretariat. "Our target is winning all 175 Assembly seats and it's not impossible. We can do it with proper plan of action."

The Andhra Pradesh CM reiterated that the "Gadapa Gadapaku" programme should be carried out in right earnest for 16 days in a month. He said, "There are no shortcuts and every leader should take part for at least 16 days in a month and tell people about the welfare activities being carried out by the Government."