An argument broke out between Telugu Desam Party (TDP) workers and the police on Thursday during the ongoing "Yuva Galam Yatra" organised by TDP national general secretary Nara Lokesh. During the yatra, the workers alleged that the police attacked and grabbed the mike from a TDP activist Bhasha. They also tried to push Nara Lokesh from a bench.

"TDP workers today (on Thursday) had an argument with police personnel during TDP leader Nara Lokesh's padayatra in Chittoor district," according to ANI. 

On Thursday, while Lokesh was speaking to the local party activists the police allegedly attempted to push Lokesh down from a bench. Following this, the police and TDP activists got into a heated altercation. However, Lokesh still continued his protest by standing on his bench until the police officials left the scene and allowed him to address the gathering.

Earlier, Lokesh said "Chandrababu Naidu as the Chief Minister encouraged agriculture and allied sectors on a massive scale, but now the Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, who came to power by making several promises to the farmers, has failed to fulfil even one of them." 

He claimed that the Chief Minister is harassing farmers by installing metres on motor pump sets, causing the farming sector to collapse.
 "The basic problem now is that neither the Chief Minister nor the Minister for Agriculture has any knowledge about agriculture," he remarked.

Lokesh said, Andhra Pradesh is currently third in the nation for the number of farmer suicides. When the TDP administration is re-elected, Lokesh said, "I am assuring you all that all your concerns will be settled on a war-footing basis."

Lokesh said, cold-storage plants will be built, crop insurance will be reinstated and the Annadata Sukhibhava scheme, which was discontinued, will be reinstated.

(With agencies inputs)