Washington D.C. [U.S.A.], Aug 31 (ANI): With heavy deluge from the Tropical Storm Harvey swallowing the entire Texas cities, the US military force has mobilized its warships and aircraft to help local law administration for the rescue operations.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has already activated the Texas National Guard, which comprises of nearly 12,000 troops, reported CNN.

State, local and military rescue units till now rescued thousands of stranded residents from the water and flooded homes.

Two US Navy warships, the USS Kearsarge and the USS Oak Hill, are being deployed to Texas, to quicken the relief and rescue process.

Both the warships have been loaded with disaster relief supplies, like water and food and a unit to help the victims of the catastrophic deluge in Texas.

US Northern Command deployed nine search-and-rescue helicopters, two fixed-wing aircraft and para-rescue teams to Joint Reserve Base, Fort Worth.

Meanwhile, the death toll in the catastrophic flooding due to Tropical storm Harvey has mounted to 24.

The number of suspected storm-related deaths in Harris County is 17 so far. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI