Islamabad [Pakistan], May 13 (ANI): The authorities in Pakistan have prevented American Diplomat Colonel Joseph Emanuel Hall, a Defence and Air attache at the US Embassy, involved in a fatal car crash, from flying out of the country on a US military aircraft.

A U.S. Air Force C130 had landed at Pakistan's Nur Khan air base to bring Hall back to the United States, but was forced to leave without him, according to the Pakistani media.

The US Air Force C-130 flew into Islamabad at 11.15am from Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, reported the Dawn.

The American diplomat was reportedly accompanied by eight people.

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) officer on duty stopped the diplomat at the airbase and seized his passport and then resorted to seeking directions from his higher authorities.

Colonel Hall returned to the embassy later.

Last month, the Defence and Air attache at the US Embassy in Pakistan, ran down three persons in Daman-e-Koh, north of Islamabad.

He was reportedly sloshed while driving the white Land Cruiser that hit three motorcyclists at a traffic signal.

One of the riders was killed in the incident, while the other two were critically wounded.

An Islamabad court has ruled that Hall's diplomatic immunity does not protect him in the case, according to several media reports. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI