By Binod Prasad Adhikari

Kathmandu [Nepal], Jun 21 (ANI): Nepal on Thursday observed the 4th International Yoga Day under cloudy skies and intermittent rain.

People from all walks of life practiced yoga asanas (postures) under tarpaulins in the premises of Nepal Police Academy on Thursday morning.

The event was jointly organised by the Patanjali Yog Peeth and the Indian Mission to Nepal. Over 200 participants participated in the event.

Acting Nepali Prime Minister Ishwar Pokhrel and Indian Ambassador to Nepal Manjeev Singh Puri also participated in the event.

Sadhvi Devastha, a disciple of yoga guru Baba Ramdev, told ANI, "We all performed yoga despite the rains, which testifies what we are doing is for the nation's prosperity. We want to interlink and connect people from various backgrounds through yoga so that our nation, whether it is India or Nepal, progresses further."

The exercise, which was regarded only as an physical activity is now perceived and accepted as medication.

"Previously my chest used to pain a lot, but now I don't experience such sort of problems. I had a problem with vision because of which I was not able to see clearly, but now, I am able to see it much better," said Nikesh Jyoti, a teenage yoga demonstrator, who sat in the front row and demonstrated the exercise to the elderly among others.

Yoga, an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice originated in India. It is derived from Sanskrit which means "to join or to unite," symbolising the union of body and consciousness.

Recognizing its universal appeal, the United Nations proclaimed June 21 as the International Day of Yoga in December 2014. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI