Pyongyang [North Korea], May 24 (ANI): North Korea said on Thursday that it carried out the demolition of its Punggye-ri nuclear test site in a series of "huge" explosions at a ceremony watched by international journalists.

North Korea permitted a chosen group of journalists from Britain, China, Russia, South Korea and the United States (US) to watch the destruction and closure of tunnels in its mountainous Punggye-ri test site, where the country has conducted all six of its nuclear tests, reported the New York Times.

Journalists witnessed explosions at nuclear tunnels from observation decks about 500 meters away.

This comes just weeks ahead of a planned meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump.

North Korean state media previously reported the dismantlement process will involve "collapsing all of its tunnels with explosions, blocking its entrances and removing all observation facilities, research buildings and security posts."

It also maintained that foreign media were invited to cover the event to show the process in a "transparent manner."

"We spent about 10 hours on the ground at the nuclear test site," said CNN's Will Ripley, adding, "They took us to three of the four tunnels on the site. They allowed us to open us the tunnel doors, take a look inside, we couldn't actually step into the tunnels. As far as the eye could see, they were rigged with explosives."

According to the report, the amount and type of explosives used were not explained by the regime.

Last month, the reclusive country made an announcement that it would end all nuclear and long-range ballistic missile tests along with the closure of the Punggye-ri test site, saying that it no longer needed them. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI