New Delhi [India], Mar. 25 (ANI): There come many situations in life which can shape your world in defining ways.

Ups and downs, rises and falls, rain and shine, joy and sorrow, day and night - this is how people define life - a series of events, sometimes jolly, sometimes painfully full of sorrow. Well, that is what life is.

Here are ten most relatable tweets trending on the micro-blogging site which just give off one message - People do get you.

Charlotte Lydia Riley, a historian according to Twitter bio, tweeted about her struggles with password.

She wrote, "Adulthood is trying each of the same six passwords that you use for everything and complaining that you're tired".

One tweet read, "Ups and downs, rises and falls, rain and shine, joy and sorrow, day and night- this is how people define life: a series of events, sometimes jolly, sometimes painfully full of sorrow. Well, that is what life, as we know, is. There come many situations in life which we can classify as difficult. A wise thing to do is to be prepared to face the difficult times in our lives. These times usually affect us deeply on a psychological level and could potentially damage our lives".

Another user replied to Kris Jenner's tweet which read, "This is real bad', and wrote, "Looking at my bank 2 days after payday".

Another user posted about mother-reactions and tweeted, "When yo mama yellin at you and she mess up a word".

"When you cook after a long day of work/school and you're tired and just wanna order pizza but you broke so you have to cook, and you start to wonder how your mom was able to do this every night and get emotional about how amazing she is", posted a user detailing about her cooking hassles.

A user documented over-thinking and over-analysing and wrote, "me overanalyzing the way someone spoke to me bc it was a lil off from how they usually speak to me".

American singer, Thomas Sanders, talked about social awkwardness and wrote, "Them: But if you go to that social event, won't you get anxious?", along with a meme worthy picture.

British comedian, Rhys James, talked about language shmanguage and wrote, "When a European person says they speak "A little" English they are always then more fluent than half the people you went to school with but when an English person says they speak a little French they can say they go swimming with their dad and could order 'the hot chocolate'."

Another user tweeted about mid-life issues and wrote, "u know ur an adult when u get excited to just go home lol".

Another user tweeted about her easy-to-please nature and wrote, "My boyfriend was explaining to me how its nice to be with me as I'm so easy to keep happy. Enjoying the positive comments I asked him to elaborate, he says well all you need is to sleep well, eat lots and go for nice walks, to which I suddenly realised I am a golden retriever".


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