London [UK], June. 16 (ANI): At least seven people have been killed and around 15 have been injured in an explosion that was set off outside a mosque in the Afghan city of Heart.

Ministry spokesman Najib Danesh said that one civilian and one policeman had been killed. Four other civilians and three policemen were also said to be injured.

Danesh further revealed that the attacker was blocked by police upon trying to enter the mosque. After engaging the police in a gun battle, however, he took refuge in the kitchen and detonated his bomb.

Meanwhile, ISIS has taken responsibility for the blast, which is being touted as a suicide attack by Afghan officials, reports The Independent.

The attack came after a spree of violence in capital Kabul, where on Wednesday more than 150 people were killed and hundreds wounded in a suicide truck-bomb attack. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI