New Delhi [India], May 09 (ANI): The United States decision to pull out from the Iran nuclear deal -- Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) -- has received mixed reactions from leaders and media organisations around the globe.

As per a media report, China has taken a vow to safeguard the deal following US President Donald Trump's decision, which was taken on Tuesday.

While expressing regret on the US move, China called upon the relevant parties to take responsibility for the situation and ensure the future of Iran deal is safe.

It further asked them to properly handle the disputes over the nuclear deal.

France, on the other hand, has reportedly said the JCPOA is not dead even after the withdrawal of the US, which walked off from the deal as Trump felt that the same has failed to protect America's national security interest.

French President Emmanuel Macron, according to France's foreign minister, would speak later in the day to Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani regarding the future of the nuclear deal.

Earlier in the day, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called the decision of US as "unacceptable". He further clarified that Iran will continue to remain in the deal. He had slammed the US for undermining the relevance of an international treaty.

Turkey's Foreign Ministry termed this as an "unfortunate step" by the US.

As reported by the Anadolu Agency, Turkish Foreign Ministry said in an official release, "Turkey has always defended the stance that issues regarding Iran's nuclear program should be resolved through diplomacy and negotiations and has made intensive efforts in this direction."

Further, the US media has reflected caution over their President's decision to pull from the deal.

The Washington Post led with the headline "Trump announces plans to pull out of Iran nuclear deal despite pleas from European leaders" as it termed this step as "extreme".

The New York Times said the deal "plunges America's relations with its European allies into deep uncertainty" and "raises the prospect of increasing tensions with Russia and China".

Further Fox News reported, "Trump for months had left open whether he would move to scrap the pact, and his apparent decision to re-impose sanctions has rattled European allies".

While NBC news depicted concern of many that the decision of US has "raised fears that Tehran might respond by resuming its frozen weapons program".

Earlier in the day, former United States President Barack Obama called his successor's move as a "serious mistake".

It has been reported that Foreign Ministers of France, Britain and Germany will meet with a group of Iranian representatives over the next week to take stock of the situation.

Trump on Tuesday announced the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or Iran nuclear deal. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI