Beijing [China], August 28 (ANI):The Chinese foreign ministry has confirmed on Monday that India has removed its troops from China's territory on the Doklam Plateau.

"On the afternoon of August 28, the Indian side has pulled back all the trespassing personnel and equipment to the Indian side of the boundary and the Chinese personnel on the ground has verified this. China will continue to exercise its sovereignty and uphold its territorial integrity in accordance with historical conventions," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at Monday's daily regular press conference.

She said that since June 18, China has used multiple diplomatic channels to engage with India and also conducted effective military measures to safeguard its sovereignty and legal rights, Global Times reported.

"The Chinese government highly values its friendly relationship with India. We hope India can fulfill the historic agreement on the border and safeguard the stability of the border area with China," Hua said.

Meanwhile, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released its statement,"In recent weeks, India and China have maintained diplomatic communication in respect of the incident at Doklam. During these communications, we were able to express our views and convey our concerns and interests."

The ministry further said," On the basis, expeditious disengagement of border personnel at the face-off site at Doklam has been agreed to and is ongoing."

India -China standoff at Doklam, near the Sikkim-Tibet-Bhutan trijunction has been going on for more than two months and the situation arose after China started constructing a road in the area. India objected to the road construction after the Chinese troops ignored Bhutanese protests, triggering a face-off from June 16.

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has reiterated that India's road map is peace and talks are going on to resolve the issue diplomatically.(ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI