New York [U.S.A.] July 8 (ANI): After decades-long effort to prevent a nuclear war, a global treaty has been negotiated, which, if comes to force, would lead to the destruction of all nuclear weapons and prohibition of its use forever.

As per the New York Times, the two-thirds of the 192-member United Nations finalised the 10-page treaty this week.

'Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons,' was formally adopted by the members of the United Nations at its headquarters in New York during the final session of the negotiation conference.

The document will be open for signature by any member state on September 20 at the time of the annual General Assembly.

It will become legal 90 days after it will be ratified by 50 countries.

"The world has been waiting for this legal norm for 70 years," said Elayne G. Whyte Gomez, Costa Rica's ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva.

The room was filled with cheers and applause after 122 votes were casted in the favour and one against - the Netherlands, the only NATO member that participated in the conference.

The world's nine nuclear-armed countries did not participated and conspicuously boycotted the negotiations. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI