Jerusalem, [Israel] April 1 (ANI): Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has showered praises on the Israeli troops, a day after they were accused of killing at least 16 Palestinian protesters at the border with Gaza.

Netanyahu thanked his troops for "guarding the country's borders" and allowing "Israeli citizens to celebrate the [Passover] holiday peacefully".

"Well done to our soldiers. Israel acts vigorously and with determination to protect its sovereignty and the security of its citizens," Netanyahu wrote on Twitter.

At least 16 Palestinians have been killed and more than 1,400 others wounded in confrontations with the Israeli forces as scores of them marched towards the fence that separates Gaza from Israel at the start of a six-week protest.

The Israeli military had apparently resorted to the usage of rubber bullets, tear gas and live rounds.

Thousands of Palestinians were "rioting throughout the Gaza Strip, rolling burning tires and hurling stones at the security fence and at IDF troops, who are responding with riot dispersal means and firing towards main instigators", The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement.

According to Al Jazeera, Palestinian rights group Adalah said the Israeli army on Saturday "accidentally" took responsibility for the attacks on Palestinian protesters.

According to the group, the Israeli army deleted post from their official Twitter page.

According to the group, the Palestinian rights group shared a screenshot of the post, which read,"Yesterday we saw 30,000 people; we arrived prepared and with precise reinforcements. Nothing was carried out uncontrolled; everything was accurate and measured, and we know where every bullet landed."

A slew of Palestinian protesters marched in Gaza along the fence in what is being labeled as the Great March of Return.

Condemning the incident UN chief Antonio Guterres asked for an "independent and transparent investigation."

European Union diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini asked for the same into the use of live ammunition by Israel's military. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI