Lansing (Michigan) [United States] Feb 3 (ANI): Former US gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar's hearing was suspended in a Michigan courtroom after he was lunged (???????????) at by the enraged father of three daughters, who were sexually assaulted by the disgraced (we cant be opinionated) doctor.

Randall Margraves tried to attack the disgraced doctor after two of his daughters, Madison and Lauren, had finished their tearful victim statements on the second day of a sentencing hearing in Eaton County, much as nearly 200 women, including Margraves' third daughter, did in earlier court sessions.

Margraves asked Judge Janice Cunningham for "five minutes in a locked room with this demon", but she said she could not do that, Sky News reported.

He revised his request to one minute which was also denied.

Margraves then rushed at Nassar and had to be tackled by bailiffs and as he was handcuffed he yelled,"I want that son of a b****."

Margraves had to be restrained by three court security officers, according to the reports.

The judge later accepted Margraves' account that he "lost control" of his emotions and said she would not punish him.

The incident came as dozens of women waited for their turn to face Nassar in court and outline the abuse they suffered at his hands.

Nassar, 54, worked at Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics, the governing body that also trains Olympians. He was sentenced to up to 175 years in prison a week ago after testimony from nearly 160 of his victims.(ANI)

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