Kabul [Afghanistan], Aug 26 (ANI): Afghan commanders are expecting more support for the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) from the Trump Administration under the new US strategy on Afghanistan.

The military officials also called on the United States to mobilize the Afghan security forces.

"Under its new strategy, the United States should provide heavy weapons to the ANDSF and it should support the Afghan Air Force," Tolo News quoted Major General Amanullah Mobin, Commander of 209 Shaheen Military Corps in Balkh, as saying.

Governor of Badakhshan province Faisal Begzad said Washington should support the Afghan security forces, including the Air Force based on its new strategy.

About 8,400 U.S. troops are currently deployed in Afghanistan and 3,900 extra troops are expected to be sent to the country under the new policy.

The Afghan officials are hopeful that they would see changes in the war on terror in Afghanistan and in the region with the possible increase of foreign forces.

"Foreign troops have no combat role in the fight against terrorists in Helmand (province), but they are providing advice and air support to us. This support is needed until our security forces become self-reliant," Helmand governor Hayatullah Hayat said.

United States President Donald Trump, on Monday night, unveiled a new U.S. strategy for war in Afghanistan without offering details about changes to troop levels.

Addressing the crowd at the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Trump started his speech by sending prayers to sailors who were injured and lost their lives after a collision at seas and said, "We send our thoughts and prayers to the families of our brave sailors who were injured and lost after a tragic collision at sea, as well as to those conducting the search-and-recovery efforts."

"I am here tonight to lay out our path forward in Afghanistan and South Asia. But before I provide the details of our new strategy, I want to say a few words to the service members here with us tonight, to those watching from their posts, and to all Americans listening at home," he added.

President Trump further said that since the founding of America's republic, the country has produced a special class of heroes whose selflessness, courage, and resolve is unmatched in human history.

"American patriots from every generation have given their last breath on the battlefield for our nation and for our freedom. Through their lives, and though their lives were cut short, in their deeds they achieved total immortality. By following the heroic example of those who fought to preserve our republic, we can find the inspiration our country needs to unify, to heal, and to remain one nation, under God. The men and women of our military operate as one team, with one shared mission and one shared sense of purpose. They transcend every line of race, ethnicity, creed, and color to serve together and sacrifice together in absolutely perfect cohesion," Trump said. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI