9 Tips To Prevent Skin Dryness During This Season
Post washing your face, hands or body, use some moisturiser to help in putting back the natural oil removed during washing.
It is important to use a sunscreen with minimum 30 SPF, in order to sheild the skin's moisture levels even when winter days are short.
Use emollients overnight to give your skin time to absorb the treatment and restore moisture and oils.
Reduce your skincare regime to simple cleansers, moisture and sunscreen in order to allow the skin's moisure barrier to heal.
Excessive Exfolition of the skin should be avoided to maintain the moisture barrier of the skin therefore not a lot of scrubs should be used.
For hydrated healthy skin, consume adequate amount of water and eat food containing antioxidants and omega three fatty acids.
Showers or baths should be taken preferred in lukewarm water, instead of hot to avoid stripping off the natural oil of skin.
During winter, turn on the humidifier and set it at sixty percent to put back moisture in the air and prevent dry skin.
Protect your hands by wearing warm gloves outdoors and silicone gloves when washing dishes to prevent dryness.