Unlock The 10 Secret Weapons To Reduce Hair Fall 1. Avoid high-heat hair styling tools, as they may cause hair damage and fall. 2. Use an anti-hair fall serum to strengthen your hair from the root and avoid extra hair damage. 3. Add black sesame oil to your hair care routine to avoid premature greying. 4. Massage your hair with castor oil to promote hair growth and scalp health. 5. Apply Aloe Vera gel with rose water for hair strengthening and growth. 6. Use room-temperature water to wash your hair to avoid hair loss. 7. Don’t chemically bleach or treat your hair; it may damage your hair and promote hair loss. 8. Use sulfate free and parabean free hair shampoo. 9. Use a wide-tooth comb or brush to prevent hair breakage. 10. Avoid being stressed, as it may increase cortisol levels, affecting your natural hair cycle and overall health.