Top 10 Summer Fruits For Glowing And Healthy Skin

Watermelon: Contains up to 94% water, keeping your skin supple, elastic, and cool. It offers natural protection against UV radiation.

Papaya: High in Vitamin C, which prevents acne inflammation and promotes collagen production, making it a powerful antioxidant for the skin.

Mango: Rich in Vitamins C and A, it boosts skin health, improves collagen production, and contains antioxidants that help with acne. Moderation is key to avoid breakouts.

Pineapple: Rich in Vitamin C, it contains bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme beneficial for skin and hair health.

Muskmelon: High in water content and nutrients, muskmelon improve skin health with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Strawberries: Abundant in antioxidants, strawberries help reverse UV damage, skin ageing, brighten complexions, and remove dead skin cells.

Oranges: High in Vitamin C and antioxidants, oranges keep skin hydrated, aid in collagen production, and fight free radicals to slow down premature ageing.

Kiwi: Contains more vitamin C than an orange, enriched with Vitamin E and antioxidants that brighten skin.

Cucumber: Highly hydrating and rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C, and K. Cucumbers reduce puffy eyes, dark circles, and improve skin brightness and fine lines.

Banana: Packed with antioxidants, antimicrobial properties, and moisturising agents. Contains vitamins A, C, K, E, folate, and minerals beneficial for skin health.