National Nutrition Week 2024:

10 Tips To Build Healthy Habits From A Young Age

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Canva

Start With A Nutrient-Rich Breakfast:

Breakfast is crucial in jump-starting the metabolism and improving cognitive function. Include items like whole grain cereals, dairy, eggs, and fruits to ensure a balanced meal that sustains energy throughout the morning.

Image Source: Canva

Diversify The Diet:

Including a variety of foods ensures you get essential nutrients. Focus on colourful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, as each offers unique vitamins and minerals for growth and development.

Image Source: Canva

Stay Hydrated the Healthy Way:

Children need reminders to drink water before feeling thirsty. Offer water as the main drink, along with coconut water or unsweetened milk. Avoid sugary sodas and fruit drinks to prevent tooth decay and weight gain.

Image Source: Canva

Create Colourful Plates:

Teach children that a colourful plate is a healthy plate. This visual cue helps them remember to include fruits and vegetables of different colours, such as greens from broccoli, reds from apples, and purples from beetroots, each providing different health benefits.

Image Source: Canva

Involve Kids In Meal Planning And Cooking:

This not only makes them more interested in what they are eating but also gives them essential life skills. Teach them about nutrition labels, ingredients, and healthy cooking techniques like baking or grilling.

Image Source: Canva

Opt For Nutritious Snacks:

Snacking is important to keep energy levels up between meals, but it’s vital to choose snacks wisely. Opt for fruits, nuts, yoghurt, or whole-grain products over chips or cookies. This helps avoid unnecessary sugar and empty calories.

Image Source: Canva

Reduce Sugar And Salt Intake:

High consumption of salt and sugar from an early age can lead to preferences for excessively sweet or salty foods later in life. Use herbs and spices to flavour food instead of salt. Encourage natural sources of sugar, such as fruits, and avoid processed foods high in added sugars.

Image Source: Canva

Promote Physical Activity:

Encourage children to engage in at least 45-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. This could include cycling, swimming, running, or team sports, which are essential for healthy physical and mental development.

Image Source: Canva

Be a role model:

Children learn habits from their surroundings. By eating healthily and maintaining an active lifestyle yourself, you’ll naturally impart these habits to your children.

Image Source: Canva

Teach Moderation And Balance:

It’s important to teach children that no food needs to be completely off-limits. Explain the concept of eating in moderation and choosing portion sizes that fit their energy needs.

Image Source: Canva

Inputs By:

Dr Pradeep Suryawanshi, Director - Neonatology and Paediatrics, Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital, Nagar road, Pune

Image Source: ABP Live AI