10 Omega-3 Rich Foods For Healthier Hair, Skin, And Joints
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10 Omega-3 Rich Foods For Healthier Hair, Skin, And Joints

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Pinterest/naturemadevitamins
1. Salmon:
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1. Salmon:

Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It keeps the skin hydrated and supple, strengthens hair quality and reduces joint pain and stiffness.

Image Source: Pinterest/happymuncherblog
2. Flaxseeds:
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2. Flaxseeds:

Omega-3 present in flaxseeds may cure dry skin by providing hydration. It also reduces joint inflammation and strengthens the hair follicles thus promoting the overall health of the body.

Image Source: Pinterest/foodiegavin
3. Walnuts:
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3. Walnuts:

Walnuts have a high content of omega-3 acid. This helps in boosting the skin elasticity and supporting hair growth. It also reduces joint stiffness and promotes flexibility.

Image Source: Pinterest/bojongourmet
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4. Edamame:

These are also known as immature soybeans. Edamame are rich in omega 3 content and supports our skin, hair and joint health. It enhances the moisture of the skin and reduces joint inflammation.

Image Source: Pinterest/4loveofcooking
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5. Algal Oil:

Algae oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support skin health by promoting hydration and reducing inflammation. It helps maintain hair strength and shine. In joints, the omega-3s in algae oil reduce inflammation and support mobility.

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6. Brussel Sprouts:

The omega-3 content in brussel sprouts helps maintain skin moisture and elasticity. It also supports the health and strength of hair follicles and may improve joint health by reducing inflammation and promoting mobility.

Image Source: Pinterest/DinnerattheZoo
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7. Soy:

The omega-3s in soybeans help reduce signs of aging by increasing skin moisture and elasticity. These fatty acids help strengthen and grow hair follicles, leading to healthier, shinier hair and help reduce pain and stiffness in joints and increase mobility.

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8. Sardine:

Sardines are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s in sardines increase skin moisture, elasticity and reduces inflammation. These fatty acids strengthens the hair follicles, making hair shinier. It helps protect joints, improves coordination, and reduce discomfort.

Image Source: Pinterest/chasethedonkey
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9. Seaweed:

Sea weed is a plant based source which is rich in omega-3. It reduces skin dryness and gives a youthful appearance. These fatty acids improve the hair root, resulting in shiny hair. They also help protect joints and reduce pain, contributing to overall comfort.

Image Source: Pinterest/britandco
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10. Hemp Seeds:

The omega-3 present in these seeds promote healthy skin by reducing dryness and providing elasticity. They also provide nourishment to the scalp. It's anti-inflammatory properties help maintain flexibility, improving joint health and mobility.

Image Source: Pinterest/preventionmag