10 Health Benefits Of Oranges

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Canva

1. Rich In Vitamin C:

It improves the immune system and helps prevent infections.

Image Source: Canva

3. Supports Heart Health:

It may lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health.

Image Source: Canva

4. Improves Skin Health:

It supports collagen production which makes our skin healthy, supple and youthful.

Image Source: Canva

5. Supports Digestion:

The fibre content in oranges aids digestion. It prevents constipation by promoting regular bowel movement.

Image Source: canva

6. Boosts Immune Function:

It helps to control body weakness and supports our immune system.

Image Source: Canva

7. Reduces Inflammation:

It contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain in the body.

Image Source: Canva

8. Supports Hydration:

The high water content in oranges helps in retaining moisture. It can keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Image Source: Canva

9. May Prevent Kidney Stones:

Regular consumption of oranges in extremely healthy. It may help in reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Image Source: Canva

10. Supports Weight Loss:

Being low in calories and high in fibre, it helps you stay full for longer periods of time. This maintains your weight regularly.

Image Source: Canva