International Yoga Day 2024: 10 Health Benefits Of Paschimottanasana 1. Paschimottanasana stretches the entire back, alleviating pain and stiffness in the back and shoulders. 2. This asana stretches the hamstrings, improving blood flow and reducing pain and stiffness. 3. Paschimottanasana calms the mind, reducing depression and anxiety. 4. Regular practice boosts metabolism and enhances the functionality of internal organs. 5. It improves circulation in the pelvic region, alleviating menopause symptoms and menstrual pain. 6. The pose helps burn abdominal fat, aiding in weight loss. 7. It increases appetite without unhealthy cravings, ensuring proper nutrition. 8. Paschimottanasana improves blood flow, aiding in treating infertility and related issues. 9. The pose increases blood flow to the head, alleviating headaches and migraines. 10. The pose encourages focus and relaxation, enhancing mindfulness.