10 High Protein Post-Workout Meals

Oranges: Oranges are the top sources among the high protein fruit good for boosting energy helps in functioning muscles better.

Almonds: Almonds contribute to overall protein intake; they aid in body recovery by reducing muscle damage and fatigue. 

Yogurt Parfait: It contains probiotics that aid in digestion and support gut health.

Whole grain toast with avocado and eggs: It increases muscle stores and provides a perfect blend of macronutrients. This meal contains healthy fats and essential vitamins.

Strawberry Smoothie: This drink is a healthy and delicious choice to enjoy after a workout.

Salmon and Brown rice: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon, help reduce muscle inflammation and help the body fight fatigue.

Soy Milk Soy milk helps increase the level of antioxidants in the body and aids in improving heart and muscle growth.

Pitta and Humus: While exercising a robust workout and sweating out sodium and potassium, this meal provides sodium, potassium, carbs, protein, and all necessary nutrients.

Greek Yogurt It is essential for muscle recovery as it contains high levels of protein and calcium.

Protein-Packed Vegan Breakfast Burrito: High in fibre, packed with refuelling energy throughout the day, and helps in balancing optimal hormones.

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