Healthy Recipe:

Know How To Prepare Almond And Custard Apple Rabri

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Special Arrangement


Image Source: Canva

Custard apple pulp:

2 gm

Image Source: Canva

Double cream (fat):

1 gm

Image Source: Pinterest/ Khushnuma Ansari

Sugar substitute:

To taste

Image Source: Canva


30 gm

Image Source: Canva

Method To Prepare:

Image Source: Canva

Toast the almonds in the oven for one minute at 180 degrees Celsius.

Image Source: Canva

Grind some of the toasted almonds into a coarse powder and finely chop the remainder.

Image Source: Canva

Combine custard apple pulp with double cream and sugar, then blend in the ground almonds thoroughly.

Image Source: Canva

Refrigerate until chilled, then sprinkle with chopped almonds just before serving.

Image Source: Canva

Recipe by:

Dr.Rohni Patil, MBBS and Nutritionist

Image Source: ABP Live AI