Balanced Diet That You Can Eat Before And After Yoga
Food that you can eat before practicing yoga
Banana smoothie: Having become very popular lately, slightly thick consistency has become a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.
Mixture of Handful Nuts: It can provide energy and make you feel energised the entire time you are on a yoga mat.
Peanut Butter: It is a powerhouse of fibre that can be consumed with apples, bananas, and pears.
Avocados: It is one of the top choices because it makes you feel energised for a longer time and is packed with lots of healthy fats.
Strawberry smoothie: It helps in to fuel up metabolism and a pretty good option before yoga practice.
Oatmeal with blueberries: It is a pre-workout meal for yoga enthusiasts that helps them feel fuller for longer and also contains fibre.
Food that you can eat after practicing yoga:
Drink plenty of water: After your yoga practice, drink plenty of water before you go on to eat anything to restore electrolytes. Lemon can also be added as a shot of vitamin C.
Vegetable Soup: This soup is a hearty and delicious way to get your veggies in, with lots of herbs for a nourishing and super comforting hug in a bowl.
Oranges or orange juice: Oranges are the best of vitamin C and micronutrients, helps in replenishing energy and nutrients
Green Tea: It strengthens the immune system and increases meatbolism. It makes your body feel revitalised for a long .
Chia pudding: It contains all nine essential amino acids to repair cells and tissues, making it a better choice to consume after yoga.