8 Ways To Reduce Work Stress And Boost Productivity

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Canva

Prioritise Regular Exercise:

Physical activity significantly reduces stress by boosting endorphins—your body’s natural mood enhancers. Regular exercise can help prevent heart issues, especially in high-stress jobs.

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Ensure Adequate Sleep:

Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep is crucial for managing stress. Sleep deprivation leads to poor decision-making, irritability, and a higher risk of cardiovascular vascular disease.

Image Source: Canva

Set Clear Work-Life Boundaries:

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance by setting strict work hours and disconnecting after hours helps prevent burnout and reduces the long-term health effects of chronic stress.

Image Source: Canva

Practice Assertive Communication:

Effectively expressing your needs and addressing conflicts directly can prevent stress buildup. Clear, respectful and assertive communication improves workplace relationships and reduces emotional strain.

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Manage Workload Effectively:

Break down large tasks, delegate responsibilities, and use time management tools to stay organised. Effective workload management reduces overwhelm and helps maintain productivity without compromising well-being.

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Use Leisure Time Wisely:

Engage in relaxation activities and hobbies to unwind. Practices like mindfulness or meditation can help calm the mind, while breaks during work days can boost focus and reduce stress.

Image Source: Canva

Handle Criticism Constructively:

View feedback as a chance to grow rather than a personal attack. Handling criticism positively can help reduce feelings of inadequacy, preventing stress from escalating.

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Seek Help When Needed:

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support from colleagues, mentors, or professional counselors when stress feels unmanageable. Seeking help early can prevent stress from turning into serious mental or physical health issues.

Image Source: Canva

Inputs By:

Ms Sritama Ghosh, Counselling Psychologist, Monoshij, an initiative of Techno India Group