1. Great Source Of Nutrients:
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1. Great Source Of Nutrients:

Mustard is an amazing source of nutrients. It is packed with vitamins A, C, and K. It also has minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Image Source: Canva
2. Antioxidant Properties:
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2. Antioxidant Properties:

Mustard's high content of antioxidants help combat oxidative stress. It reduces cell damage and protects the body from harmful radicals by supporting the overall health.

Image Source: Canva
3. Relieves Headache:
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3. Relieves Headache:

Mustard has anti inflammatory properties which help relax muscles and improve circulation. The high magnesium content in it can provide a quick relief from discomforts and ease headache.

Image Source: Canva
4. Anti Cancer Properties:
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4. Anti Cancer Properties:

Mustard seeds are known to contain glucosinolates and myrosinase. They powerful compounds may help inhibit cancer cell growth and protect against certain types of cancer.

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5. Aids Digestion:

Mustard promotes digestion and nutrient absorption. Its a natural compound that stimulates digestive juices and further help reduce bloating and improve gut health.

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6. Provides Relief From Respiratory Issues:

Mustard helps in clearing congestion, reducing inflammation, and promoting mucus drainage. It's a natural remedy for cold, bronchitis, and coughs that makes breathing easier.

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7. Enhances Healing:

Mustard helps in aiding healing by promoting circulation and reducing inflammation. The compounds in it help speed up recovery and provide relief from muscle discomforts.

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8. Makes Bones Stronger:

Mustard has a rich content of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. If consumed regularly, mustard can help maintain healthy bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Image Source: Canva
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9. Manages Diabetes:

Mustard regulates the blood sugar levels which further help in managing diabetes. It improves insulin and reduces oxidative stress which makes it a beneficial addition to diets.

Image Source: Canva
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10. Fresh Breath:

Mustard can help fight bad breath by neutralising odours. It has antimicrobial properties that help in leaving your mouth clean and fresh.

Image Source: Canva