Lok Sabha Elections: What is VVPAT

VVPAT stands for Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail

VVPAT is a method of providing feedback to voters using a ballotless voting system

A VVPAT is intended as an independent verification system for voting machines designed to allow voters to verify that their vote was cast correctly

A VVPAT helps in detecting possible election fraud or malfunction and provides a means to audit the stored electronic results

A VVPAT contains the name of the candidate (for whom vote has been cast) and the symbol of the party/individual candidate

VVPAT machines are used during the election process to verify that the vote polled by a voter goes to the correct candidate

VVPATs are a second line of verification and are particularly useful when allegations around Electronic Voting Machines’ tampering crop up

VVPAT system gives instant feedback to the voter showing that the vote polled has been allotted against the candidate chosen

After a voter presses the button on the EVM, the VVPAT prints a slip containing the candidate's name and the election symbol and drops it into a sealed box

The machines give the chance for the voter to verify their vote

(All Photos: Getty)