Addicted To Sugar? Here Are 10 Best Ways To Beat Sugar Cravings

Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, instead. This will help reduce the risk of diabetes and other diseases.

Learn to read labels well on packaged foods. Your nutritionist will tell you how to spot foods with added sugar.

Shun ready-to-eat breakfast cereals. Make your own whole wheat cereals with dry fruits, blueberries, cranberries.

Watch for hidden sugars. Fat-free may not necessarily be sugar-free.

Don't buy/stock sugary foods. Keep them at places not easily seen. Keep fruits in sight, instead.

When a sugar craving strikes, get up and take a walk. Or run. Literally!

Any form of exercise/activity that engages the body and mind helps.

Can't go outside for a walk? Do spot stretches. Divert your mind.

Experts say even 5-10 minutes long warm water baths help. No harm in trying this one

Eat your lunch or dinner. Maybe you are genuinely hungry and need a wholesome meal.

Don't fool your body with quick-fix chocolate bars or store-bought granolas