PNB Scam: REVEALED: Amount of money in 176 almirahs of Nirav Modi
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
24 Feb 2018 01:18 PM (IST)
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PNB Scam: REVEALED: Amount of money in 176 almirahs of Nirav Modi
176 almirahs, cars, watches were seized by ED and now the things inside the almirah are being revealed gradually. You will be stunned to know the amount of watches and other things recovered by ED.
Apart from that it has been told that Priyanka Chopra broke all kinds of contracts with Nirav Modi two years ago
176 almirahs, cars, watches were seized by ED and now the things inside the almirah are being revealed gradually. You will be stunned to know the amount of watches and other things recovered by ED.
Apart from that it has been told that Priyanka Chopra broke all kinds of contracts with Nirav Modi two years ago
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