Breaking News: Kareena Calls Attacker 'Very Aggressive' in Saif Ali Khan Assault Incident | ABP NEWS

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View In AppKareena Kapoor recently shared exclusive details with the police about the violent attack on her husband, Saif Ali Khan. She explained that the attacker was aggressive, and Saif tried to protect their children, especially their young son, Jeh. Kareena said Saif prevented the attacker from reaching Jeh and sent the family to safety on the 12th floor.After the attack, Saif, bleeding from multiple wounds, was rushed to the hospital in an auto with Taimur, their 8-year-old son, as the family was in a panic and the cars couldn’t be used. Ibrahim, though capable of driving, did not go with Saif. The police are investigating how the attacker entered the house and if anyone inside helped him.