What Should You Eat In Monkeypox Situation | Health Live
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View In AppAs monkeypox spreads globally, it's crucial to follow a diet that supports recovery. High protein and antioxidant intake are vital, as protein aids in cell repair and muscle building, while antioxidants boost immunity. Foods rich in protein include seeds, nuts, lentils, dairy products, chicken, eggs, and fish. Antiviral foods like basil, ginger, black pepper, clove, and garlic can help combat infections and are often consumed in winter to prevent colds. Staying hydrated is also essential; include fluids like coconut water, amla juice, buttermilk, fresh orange juice, and plenty of water to replenish minerals, vitamins, and flush out toxins. A well-balanced diet with cooked foods, gut-healing prebiotics (onions, garlic, bananas), and a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables will aid faster recovery. Avoid excess coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas, and spicy or salty foods that can irritate the digestive system.