Entire “beti bachao and beti padhao” gang are hypocrites, says AIMC President Sushmita Dev
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
01 Aug 2019 07:40 PM (IST)
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All India Mahila Congress president Sushmita Dev called entire beti bachao and beti padhao” gang hypocrites.
Sushmita said, "In my mind the case is crystal clear that Amit Shah, PM Modi and the entire “beti bachao and beti padhao” gang are hypocrites. The judgement of the supreme court is a slap on the face of BJP , thus they will now expel Sengar. They should apply the same rules on the rapist in their party as they apply on azam khan and other opposition leaders."
Sushmita said, "In my mind the case is crystal clear that Amit Shah, PM Modi and the entire “beti bachao and beti padhao” gang are hypocrites. The judgement of the supreme court is a slap on the face of BJP , thus they will now expel Sengar. They should apply the same rules on the rapist in their party as they apply on azam khan and other opposition leaders."