An Oath To Fight Against Menstrual Taboos | ABP Uncut
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View In AppMenstruation is a normal monthly process that occurs in a female body. During this time which usually lasts for a week, a woman experiences hormonal changes and even pain. Although menstruation begins with the onset of puberty there is no specific age for it to start. For most women, menstruation or periods is just a nuisance that they deal with every month. While there is a lot of awareness regarding it in urban areas this is not the case with rural areas. Many superstitions are attached to menstruations and even now in many villages, women on their periods must remain outside their house. Students of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya have taken an ‘oath’ to end these malpractices and free women in rural areas. They also help these women to spread awareness about menstruation. With the help of the school students, women in nearby villages have also learned to make pads. Find out what made this possible.