Delhi Turns Into Gas Chamber; Schools to remain shut till Nov 5 | News@7
Updated at:
01 Nov 2019 09:01 PM (IST)
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The Supreme Court appointed panel declared a public health emergency after air quality in the NCR region dipped to 410 on October 31. AQI of 400 is deemed as "severe" and Delhi's AQI has been in the severe category for five consecutive days now.
Announcing the emergency, the EPCA also banned construction work activity till November 5.
According to the US Embassy here, PM 2.5 level at 1 p.m. on Friday was 450. The US Embassy does not have a reading from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., because probably the PM 2.5 went beyond 500, which they don't measure. Values above 500 are considered Beyond the AQI.
Announcing the emergency, the EPCA also banned construction work activity till November 5.
According to the US Embassy here, PM 2.5 level at 1 p.m. on Friday was 450. The US Embassy does not have a reading from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., because probably the PM 2.5 went beyond 500, which they don't measure. Values above 500 are considered Beyond the AQI.