Industrialist Harsh Goenka recently posted a picture of the 'world's costliest mango' Miyazaki on Twitter and along with the photo revealed the story of a Madhya Pradesh farmer who has employed three security guards and six dogs to protect their precious harvest.

“The unusual ruby-coloured Japanese breed of mango, Miyazaki is said to be the world's costliest mango, sold at Rs 2.7 lakh per kg. Parihar a farmer in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh has hired three security guards and 6 dogs to secure the two trees.,” RPG Enterprises' Chairman  Goenka Tweeted on Sunday.

The viral snapshot by Harsh Goenka has captured the attention of many on the internet. Many people have expressed their opinions in response to the post. 

Journey Of Miyazaki Mangoes To India:

Sankalp Singh Parihar, often known as Parihar, obtained the Miyazaki mango sapling from a stranger on a train journey, reports ANI. Parihar had travelled to Chennai five years ago in search of hybrid coconut seeds. A passenger seated next to him on the train offered to sell him a mango sapling for Rs 2,500.

While Parihar was sceptical, he decided to take a chance and bought it. When he planted the sapling after returning to Jabalpur, it grew like any other ordinary mango plant at first, but after a few months, it turned a lovely red colour.

History Of Miyazaki Mangoes:

Miyazaki is a mango type primarily grown in Japan. Grown in Miyazaki city of Japan, these mangoes are also known as the "Egg of the Sun" due to their vibrant colour and egg shape. They are typically grown during the peak harvest season between April and August. These mangoes turn from purple to flaming red when ripe.

Miyazaki mango trails date back to the late 1980s. It was first produced in the Japanese city of Miyazaki. Two farmers began harvesting Miyazaki mango in 1985, and eight more farmers followed the next year.

One mango weighs roughly 350 grams on average. They have more sugar content, 15%, than normal variety mangoes. Antioxidants, beta-carotene, and folic acid are abundant in the fruit. This purple-coloured mango is now also grown in Bangladesh, India, Thailand, and the Philippines.

Price Of Miyazaki Mangoes:

A Miyazaki mango normally costs 3500 rupees, but two mangoes were auctioned off in Japan last year for Rs 2.7 lakh.