Jose Paulino Gomes, a Brazilian touted as world's oldest man has passed away at an age of 127. Gomes died at his home in Pedra Bonita, located in Minas Gerais on Friday, just a week before he would turn 128-year-old. He died of organ failure, likely due to his advanced age, reported the New York Post. He was laid to rest Saturday at the Corrego dos Fialhos Cemetery in Pedra Bonita.

Gomes married in 1917, aged 22. According to his marriage certificate from Cartorio Silva, the sole registry office in his hometown Pedra Bonita, he was born on August 4, 1895, which means he survived both World Wars and three global pandemics.

Though Gomes family was not confident of his age citing several local cases of incorrect documentation, Willyan Jose Rodrigues de Souza, a legal adviser for the civil registry, while talking to a local outlet confirmed Gomes was 128-year-old.

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"There is a lady nearby who is 98 years old. She says she knew him when he was just a boy. That's when we became curious to confirm his age and looked up the registry office to find out what was correct," Gomes' granddaughter, Eliane Ferreira, told local media, according to the New York Post.

"He definitely was over 100 years old, at least 110. Now we need to know how it will be recorded on the death certificate,' she further added.

According to reports, Gomes was known as a humble and simple man who didn't like anything industrialised, and preferred only natural things from countryside. His diet consisted of food grown or raised locally, and enjoyed an occasional drink.

Gomes leaves behind seven children, 25 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren, and 11 great-great-grandchildren.

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