After a video of an employee working on his laptop During 'Jawan' Screening at a theatre in Bengaluru surfaced online, another clip has emerged on social media and has gone viral in which a woman is seen working on her device while riding pillion on a bike. The video has left people surprised and concerned about the safety of he woman and the person riding the bike.

Shared on Reddit, the caption of the post reads "Only in Bengaluru." While a text overlay on the video reads "Tell me you are in Bengaluru, without telling me you’re in Bengaluru."

The video made from inside a car shows a woman riding on a bike and working on her laptop as she seemingly travels to her office. Sitting behind the man driving the bike the woman looks engrossed in her laptop. Also she is flouting traffic norms and putting her life at risk by not wearing a helmet.

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Since being shared, the video has garnered 1,000 upvotes and several comments.

"Are they trying to die? Because that’s going to get them killed," commented one user on the post.

"A lot of people in Bangalore aren’t trying to live, just survive. I guess, the other option is to just get killed? Sometimes I think if we had a local train kinda thing, this would just be like Mumbai," wrote another user./

"Waittt isn't it normal to ride and use laptop?.....I mean that's multitasking..... Imagine cruising on a highway in 90-100 kmph and working on excel sheet....what a feeling," a third sarcastically commented on the post.

"In hell, you don’t need helmets. That is where they are going," wrote a fourth.

"That's just so dumb....," commented a fifth.